Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate - Palin Chokes and Warbles

Ok, so I could be just a little high, but did anyone else see Sarah Palin during the Vice Presidential Debate on ABC? It probably was the same on every channel, I guess, but at 10:28 p.m. (I'm quite sure of the time because I have an obsessive habit of looking at the clock) watch Sarah Palin carefully. While attacking Biden during her conclusion, Palin looks at Biden and cuts her eyes, kind of like she's sizing him up or something. Right after this, she chokes (or something) and her voice starts to warble. She gets her voice back, but it's a hilarious minute or so of her choking during her big conclusion, right after she attacked Biden. A.K.A. kind of symbolic of women being the weaker sex. Agh, you'll get a full recount of the debate tomorrow, maybe. If I can find it on YouTube. Of course I'll be able to find it on the Internet in general I guess.

(On a more personal note, it's the first time in 4 (FOUR!) days that I've been able to smoke. Good green is so hard to find...)


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